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Year-end holidays are moments of joy and shared times with your family and friends. It is also the gift-giving season driven by the willingness to make others happy.

Apart from your kids’ - strictly to be respected - Xmas wishlist, which no doubt includes a plastic toy or the non-negotiable latest smartphone, some gifts are timeless and bring to those who receive them a real tasting experience.

Be it a box of fine Belgian chocolate or dark chocolate truffles, an assortment of the finest teas from all around the world, even traditional Christmas gingerbread biscuit tins… Giving such a gift, there’s limited chance of disappointing.

As who does not like to receive delicacies in a nicely decorated box?

When (steel) packaging becomes as important as the content

Another nice thing about such presents is that they are sold in qualitative promotional boxes - generally made of steel - and hence “ready to offer as a gift”. So as a bonus, it frees some of us from the daunting experience of Xmas packing, having fingers full of tape and struggling with that gift wrap that does not want to fold properly.

And there’s plenty of choice as well as such presents are available in different sizes or shapes, with different tactile effects or looks, from vintage Xmas decoration to quite modern looks.

Some additional ‘sustainable’ reasons to go for gifts packed in steel

Apart from offering the best and most unique barrier protection against light, air and water, and guaranteeing the freshness of the products by preserving all the nutrients, with no help of any preservative - steel’s inherent advantages - this nicely decorated packaging helps keep our planet green:

  • no need of wrapping paper or ribbons as the steel box is a gift box by itself. And that way, you save plenty of trees!
  • the box is totally reusable, and at the end of its life, totally recyclable!

Could you think of a more perfect and sustainable gift!? Hmm… I don’t think so Laughing

Discover our steel grades for specialty packaging and why steel is the best sustainable packaging material

Banner image : Julia Metkalova /
LedyX /
Pio3 /
Raffaella Galvani /

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